I am going with open eyes through the world, say what I have to say and have no shy to tell everybody my opinion.

I love to discuss different topics. At the moment I will write about my hometown, a very beautiful town in the middle of the Mountains in Salzburg.

3 Gedanken zu “About

  1. Hi Michael,

    My name is chloe and I stumbled upon your site. I’m in New York and have been looking for some photos and information on Bad Gastein while it was a DP camp for a short period in the 1940’s. I stumbled across your site, however my German is non-existent. I was wondering if you knew anything about the place at that time. Would love to hear more if you do.

    Thank you,

    1. Dear Chloe,

      first of all please apologize my belated answer. My youngest child is twelve weeks old und want her time.

      The reason why I haven’t write about Bad Gastein during the War II is that the Blogs about this time is in work. So please feel free and ask me your questions and which informations you need. I will show what can I do for you.

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